Om Technologiesblog

5% Revenue sharing & Old Reseller return/New VoIP Reseller offer


5% revenue sharing:
We are happy to announce that onward we will be sharing 5% revenue on our every VoIP Reseller total daily cost.
(a) Daily Reseller cost has to be minimum equal of 25$.
(b) Reseller has to contact us once reached the value after Reseller panel billing time 00.00 or next day.
Example: A Reseller daily cost is 25$. We will add him 5% balance in USD that is 1.25$
Old Reseller return/New VoIP Reseller offer:
We will add 5% extra balance for your each payment up to 5 times.
Minimum payment will be following by below.
Oman: Minimum 20 OMR
India: Minimum 50$ equal according to
Bangladesh: Minimum 4000 BDT
KSA: NCB(Minimum 300 SAR), Al-Rajhi(Minimum 390 SAR)
UAE: Minimum 300 AED
Pakistan: Minimum 100$ equal according to (Selling rate)
P.S: We hold the rights to stop any offer we have been offering without notice.
VoIP FreedomIDD

5% extra balance for all our VoIP Reseller


We are happy to announce that onward for payment 200$ or more, we will credit our VoIP Reseller balance by 5% extra.
P.S: We hold the rights to stop offering this privilege without notice at any time.
VoIP FreedomIDD

How to be A Mobile Dialer VoIP Reseller | How does VoIP Reseller Biz work


The way this business works is called VoIP Reseller program which is very simple to understand & U can start earning money right away. Ur clients are 2 types. One of the type of Ur client would be the same like U are for us, they are called Reseller & the another client would be the PIN User who is called 'End User'- reason to call them PIN user because they'll use a PIN & a password(combination of numeric/alphabetical digit) to call their destination. Well, now please go through the below descriptions to get an idea of this business system.
  • Create a reseller account( We will create it & give you the user ID & Password after purchasing the amount you wish.
  • Log on into your account. U will have the option to create and manage your customers accounts like we will do for you.
  • Decide if Ur client would be a reseller(if they are,you'll also earn money on the call generated by their customers)
  • Create rate sheet for Ur customers by applying the rates you want. This way U can decide the margin/profit you want to make. You can create exceptions and special offers for some destinations.
  • Collect money from your customers and choose the calling amounts you grant them.
  • If the customer would be a reseller,you would have to create a reseller account for them which is mentioned earlier. U will create this account after purchasing the amount they wish or U can decide yourself how much amount they have to purchase.
  • If the customer would be 'End User' or 'PIN User', you just have to create a PIN and Password and give them.
  • To create a PIN, U have to create another reseller account of your own which would be under your main account.
  • Fund your reselling account.
  • Give your customers their details rate sheet to call.
  • All these procedures would be done through internet and a link which is called 'Reseller Panel/VSR Link' - You've to manage your own accounts as well as the accounts of your resellers from that link.
  • To know about the Reseller Panel/VSR Link and the process to manage different reseller accounts as well as PIN generation, please click the following link 'How to create PIN and VoIP Reseller Level-1VoIP Reseller Setup,2,3'
  • Plan wise VSR links are listed below. Please use them to know the interface & latest updated call rate for any country.
  • Some visitors change the password. So if you find password is invalid, send query using the Contact form
A diagram to understand VoIP Reseller business & it's expansion in Communication sector
Freed om P lan
(Better for Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Egypt)
Reseller Link:
​User ID: 12344321 | Password: 12344321​
Steps to check rate: Log on>Tariff>
>Show Tariff>MAIN Tariff>Click VIEW
HaBib Plan:
Better for other countries |
A-Z destinations available)

Reseller Link:
User ID: 1234 | Password: 1234
Steps to check rate: After log on>Click Tariff menu>Click 'Base Tariff'(don't click other tariffs)>Write country name in search field & Enter/Click Search
A reseller diagram to understand how this reseller program works and makes profit
How will you earn money
  • You get your rate sheet from us.
  • For your convenience, it is given here 'VoIP Reseller Cheap International Call Rate' Then create a rate sheet for your customers where you choose your margin/profit.
  • Your rate for Argentina mobile is 0.16 USD ( you get this rate from us)
  • You decide to get 20% margin/profit from your customer.
  • After merging profit,Ur client rate for Argentina mobile will be 0.16 + 20% = 0.192 USD
  • For a 5 minutes call, you'll be charged by us 0.80 USD(0.16*5), your customer will be charged by you 0.96 USD. So the difference between our charge to U & Ur charge to your customer will 0.96-0.80=0.16USD which is your profit for 5 minutes call to Argentina.
  • Your total profit would be increased depends on your total customers call volume.
  • U are free to choose Ur own rates for your customers, so you can set the margins for each destination.
  • Can create different rate sheet for different client.
  • Can select fixed margin (ex. 10% on all destinations)
  • Can choose minimum profit per minute to earn.
  • Your customers can also be reseller & create their own customers accounts (it is called PIN customer. You will earn your profit margin on these calls too)

VoIP Reseller | Mobile Dialer | Cheap International Call | BD FlexiLoad | Bkash | DBBL | Bulk SMS


Worldwide mobile dialer VoIP Reseller cheap international call offer for personal use or business purpose along with the services of Bangladesh Flexiload, India Mobile Balance Recharge, bkash, DBBL, Bulk SMS, India Data Card-DTH Recharge-billing & Flexiload soft.
Cheap international call rate of some countries according to current mobile dialer reseller VoIP Biz
(last updated on 7th Oct, 2013. Please visit for the latest update)
  • Bangladesh IGW(00880)([email protected]/min)=1623 min
  • Bangladesh Gray(01)([email protected]/min)=1623 min
  • India([email protected]/min)=2404 min
  • Pakistan Gray(0092)([email protected]/min)=1073 min
  • China(86)([email protected]/min)=3424 min
  • Egypt Mobile Gray([email protected]/min)=1572 min
  • All the above destinations call cost are only for BDT 2000$25AED92SAR94
Other services/Products
  • Bkash Mobile Money Transfer (For Bangladesh)
  • DBBL Mobile Banking Money Transfer(For Bangladesh)
  • Data Card-DTH Recharge-Billing services( For India)
  • Flexi/Mobile Balance Recharge( (For Bangladesh & India)
  • Bulk SMS (For Bangladesh, India & other some countries)
  • -::-For details-::-
  • Website:
  1. Om Technologies Ltd
  2. Om Technologies Gta V
  3. Technologies Om Weebly Gta 5

The pitfalls of IoT development

We’re all aware of how the surge of open-source has transformed the way we buildsoftware. Nowadays, most successful projects follow the same blueprint - byleveraging collaboration through open-source development, you minimize the timespent on the things that have little to do with your core business. Even if itwas possible to write a smarter database engine or a more efficientserialization protocol than what’s already provided by community collaboration,odds are it won’t be worth your time. As a whole, this is well recognized by thesoftware business.

Namaste Technologies Continues Upward Revenue Trend, Reporting Estimated Q4 Revenue and Fiscal 2020. Anticipates quarterly gross revenue, including cannabis revenue, of approximately $8.0 million in Q4 2020; a year-over-year increase of 100% from $4.0 million in Q4 2019 and a quarter-over-quarter increase of 21% from $6.3 million in Q3 2020 Anticipates annual gross revenue, including. OMP has achieved a leading edge in manufacturing complex components and assemblies for the aerospace, avionics, military, and commerical industires. Our company has been serving these industries for the past two decades with highly sophisticated and quality machined components.

Even the embedded Linux world seems to have caught on to this for the most part.However, this does not seem to be the case for the world of sensor nodes andother resource-constrained devices.

In the world of tiny microcontrollers, you still see a lot of business logiccode squeezed into copy pasted vendor HALs, serializing data by memcpy:ingstructs, sending actuation commands via JSON-encoded strings and homebrewedencryption protocols leading to embarassing posts on hackernews.

Om Technologies Ltd

Why is this? One factor is that, by tradition, firmware development has had morein common with hardware design than application development. The challengesfaced by embedded developers in the past were perhaps not best solved byobsessing over architectural modularity and leveraging large-scalecollaboration.

But while we still have to troubleshoot noisy clock signals and inexplicablewatchdog resets, it’s not just voltages, registers and pins anymore. You’re alsoexpected to somehow couple the ever-increasing complexity in application logicwith stringent constraints on robustness, power consumption, networkavailability, latency and bandwidth efficiency. Oh and by the way, we alsoexpect you to support remote firmware upgrades, state of the art encryption anda server-facing API that’s easy to work with.

It’s easy to not fully grasp the scope of this, especially since prototyping anIoT product is so incredibly simple - just solder a sensor breakout board to adevkit, wrap it in JSON and pipe the data to some hardcoded static IP over WiFi.If you think you’re 95% done at this point, perhaps it shouldn’t be surprisingif you think you can “wing it” the rest of the way.

But as the project continues and requirements become more clear, you’ll soondiscover that the devil is in the details. There’s endianness bugs in the dataencoding algorithm. You spend hours in meetings with the cloud team discussingprotocol details. Can you send the serial number only once per boot? Should weack RPCs on reception or completion? Do we need a heartbeat? How do we serializethat? The timestamp is in seconds since boot, cloud insists you implement NTP.You realize too late that your SDK doesn’t support DNS. Or encryption. How do weupgrade the firmware? Can we have automatic rollbacks? Should we pause datauplinks while we’re upgrading?

While this picture may be somewhat too bleak, it hopefully serves to illustratethat there are many hidden pitfalls when it comes to architecture and protocoldesign. Pitfalls that take time to discover on your own, time much better spenton focusing on improving the core business logic of your product.

The light at the end of the tunnel

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Om Technologies Gta V

Om technologies ltd

It’s not that creating IoT products is impossible if you stick to the datedmodel of constantly reinventing the wheel. But we believe it’s possible to buildproducts that are more efficient, more stable, more secure, more flexible, morefeatureful AND have a much shorter time to market by adapting a more modernapproach.

Modern products are built using modern development principles: By maximizing useof modular components, collaboratively developed and maintained, communicatingwith each other using APIs and protocols that are well-defined, open and provenby use.

Up until fairly recently, the lack of an active open-source community focusingon resource-constrained devices made this practically impossible. The modularcomponents were mostly proprietary and closely tied to specific hardware and thepopular open protocols were either unsuited for devices running on coin cellbatteries or simply lacked the community traction required for a protocol to beconsidered well established.

The Linux Foundation realized that a unified community is a prerequisite forlarge-scale collaboration and so Zephyr RTOS was introduced. We never get tiredof evangelizing about Zephyr - we believe it’s a truly transformative opensource project that we will continue working with for many, many years to come.If you’re curious about Zephyr, drop us a line and we’ll be happy to chat!

In this article, however, we’d like to give you an introduction to anotherimportant landmark - the Lightweight Machine to Machine protocol (LwM2M).


LwM2M is a fairly recent IoT protocol mainly designed for device management. Itis based on UDP and the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) which, looselyspeaking, is designed as a drop-in replacement for HTTP for situations whereTCP/IP is either infeasible or otherwise undesirable. There exists support forother transports such as SMS and LoRa, but CoAP/UDP is the main use case.

For full disclosure, let’s make it clear that there’s nothing particularilybrilliant about LwM2M - it offers an interface for client/server communications,agreeable addressing semantics for its objects/resource model and not much else.

Of course, LwM2M includes many protocol features that are fantastic(bootstrapping and firmware upgrades), but they’re entirely optional, making thescope of the core protocol rather limited. But the simplicity is exactly whatmakes LwM2M exciting - simple APIs are easier to agree upon and it’s preciselysuch consensus that facilitates collaboration and reusability on a massivescale. Indeed, this is what we’re beginning to see with LwM2M.


Object-resource model

In LwM2M, we model a device as a collection of resources, where conceptuallyrelated resources may belong to the same object. The server addressesresources by their resource path (contained inside the CoAP URI) which takes theform

where brackets denoted an optional component - if the object/resource issingle-instance, the instance ID is omitted.

All resources support one or more operations - read, write, execute and delete,which correspond to the GET, PUT, POST and DELETE operations in CoAP.

Furthermore, the server can observe resources. For instance, we can ask forsensor readings to be reported if it exceeds 2 V or it deviates by more than 10mV compared to the last reported value.

Firmware Over the Air (FOTA)

This is a simple but well-designed API that describes the update state machineas well as the details of the image transfer which can either be “push” (thisessentially gives the server write access to the update partition) or “pull”which leverages the Block Transfer mechanism already present in the CoAPspecification.

When this API is coupled with a modern bootloader that supports automaticrollback, you get an incredibly robust firmware upgrade system essentially thatis essentially plug and play.


The Bootstrap API is another optional (but very useful) feature of LwM2M. Inshort, it lets you provision your devices to connect to a bootstrap serverinstead of your “primary” server. The bootstrap server can then providecredentials and configurations based on device-specific information, such aslocation, serial number or device type. The device then disconnects from thebootstrap server and connects to the primary server, using the credentialsand configuration obtained from the previous step.

Om Technologiesblog

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While this may sound slightly round-about, it turns out it can be quite useful.It can greatly simplify provisioning if the devices are to be shipped to manydifferent countries, or used by many different customers who each have their owncloud, because they only need to be provided with the credentials for thebootstrap server during production. The “true” server address does not need tobe decided until the time of first deployment, which can potentially be muchlater.

Wrapping up

One key benefit of adapting a widely adopted protocol is that caveats such asdata encoding, timestamp format, state synchronization, heartbeats, etc arealready ironed out. You don’t have to think about how to serialize RPC calls, orhow to ACK them. It’s all in the specification.

Another key benefit is the inter-operability that the OMA object registryenables, which contains definitions for thousands of common use-cases such aslight switches, accelerometers and e-ink displays. The registry also allows forcompanies to register new custom objects at no charge. This means that any LwM2Mdevice connect to any LwM2M server and immediately provide full read/write/execaccess to all its resources - no product-specific schemas or config filesneeded.

Of course, inter-operability also means that many different types of devices canconnect seamlessly to the same server which can potentially streamlineoperations by a lot for companies with diverse device fleets. Think about thatthat for a second - how many dev hours would it currently take in order tofully integrate an entirely new line of devices into your cloud solution?

It also helps that high quality, open-source reference implementations for bothdevice and server are readily available. Setting up a demo server with a fullyfunctional device management UI literally takes minutes.

We’ve only mentioned a few of the features provided by the LwM2M specification,so in a way we’re just scratching the surface of the LwM2M protocol. On theother hand, there’s conceptually very little about LwM2M to “get”. LwM2M issimply telling you: “Hi, here’s a common API. If you adhere to it, you will inreturn get access to the work done by everyone who is also adhering to thisAPI”. It’s nothing magic - it’s just an invite to collaborate.

We’re still in the early stages of adoption (the protocol was officiallyreleased in 2017), but it’s already very much suited for industrialization, aswe’ve most recently shown by helping Voi deploy it to thousands of theirscooters world-wide.

If we’ve managed to pique your interest, don’t hesitate to give us a call, ordrop us an e-mail!